保健產品推介 Options



will no longer take care of the human body with prescription drugs, but instead will heal and stop disorder with nutrition - Thomas Edison"

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孕妇和哺乳期妇女使用前请先咨询专业健康人员。若症状加重,请咨询专业健康人员。少数人可能会出现轻度胃肠胀气,便秘或消化不良。 成份:葡萄糖胺,软骨素,深海鱼油,二甲基砜,南非钩麻提取物。 不含淀粉,糖,防腐剂,人工添加剂和增味剂。更多信息,请参考标签。

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Shark cartilage 有機蜂蜜 is naturally rich in chondroitin, calcium, and glucosamine. Chondroitin is really a setting up block of cartilage that supports development and slows deterioration.

To provide our clients health and fitness and vitality is success to us. Our active crew is continually researching new ways to strengthen wellness and quality of life by oral and external effectively-staying products.


A high quality energy supplement supplies Gains for increasing both Bodily and cognitive Electricity in addition to bettering mood and lowering tension.

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